Sale Information for Parcel: 14143-28001-01028
- Deedholder:
- Street Address:
- 2222 1ST AVE NE
- Map Area:
- Location:
- Urban
- Class:
- Sale Date:
- Buyer:
- Seller:
- Sale Type:
- Sales Code:
- -
- Recording:
- Amount:
- $0
- SP/SF*:
- $0.00
- * price per SF is calculated as: Sale Price / (Total TLA of all Residential Dwellings + Total GBA of all Commercial Buildings)
- Note: Agricultural Buildings and Yard Extras are excluded from calculation.
- Land:
- $23,000
- Dwelling:
- $122,700
- Improvement:
- $0
- Total:
- $145,700
Acres | SF | |
Land | 0.000 | 1 |
- Occupancy:
- Condominium
- Year Built:
- 1965
- Style:
- 1 Story Frame
- Condition:
- Normal
- Base Area:
- 1,180
- Addition Area:
- 0
- Basement Area:
- None
- Total Living Area (TLA):
- 1,180
- Central A/C:
- Yes
- Heating:
- Steam
- Basement Finish SF:
- 0
- Attic Finish:
- None
- Bedrooms Above / Below:
- 2 / 0
- Attached Garage Area:
- 0
- Detached Garage Area:
- 0